Buying and sending money can be easy, fast, and secure when using PayPal.
In an effort to provide customers access to critical funds, PayPal will be temporarily waiving some of its fees for customers sending funds to Ukrainian PayPal accounts or receiving funds into Ukrainian PayPal accounts until further notice. Exchange rates or fees charged by a customer's card issuer or bank may still apply. Please see the fees for Ukrainian personal accounts page and this Help Center article for updates and more information about our services for Ukrainian customers.
You can find details about changes to our rates and fees and when they will apply on our Policy Updates Page. You can also view these changes by clicking ‘Legal’ at the bottom of any web-page and then selecting ‘Policy Updates’.
Domestic : A transaction occurring when both the sender and receiver are registered with or identified by PayPal as residents of the same market.
International: A transaction occurring when the sender and receiver are registered with or identified by PayPal as residents of different markets. Certain markets are grouped together when calculating international transaction rates. For a listing of our groupings, please access our Market/Region Grouping Table.
International euro (EUR) or Swedish krona (SEK) transactions where both the sender and the receiver are registered with or identified by PayPal as resident in the European Economic Area (EEA) are treated as domestic transactions for the purpose of applying fees.
Market Code Table: We may refer to two-letter market codes throughout our fee pages. For a complete listing of PayPal market codes, please access our Market Code Table.
Rates published below apply to PayPal accounts of residents of the following markets/regions:
Albania (AL) | Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD) | Maldives (MV) | Saint Vincent & Grenadines (VC) |
Algeria (DZ) | Dominica (DM) | Mali (ML) | Samoa (WS) |
Andorra (AD) | Djibouti (DJ) | Marshall Islands (MH) | Sao Tome & Principe (ST) |
Angola (AO) | Dominican Republic (DO) | Monaco (MC) | Saudi Arabia (SA) |
Anguilla (AI) | Ecuador (EC) | Mauritania (MR) | Senegal (SN) |
Antigua & Barbuda (AG) | Egypt (EG) | Mauritius (MU) | Serbia (RS) |
Argentina (AR) | El Salvador (SV) | Moldova (MD) | Seychelles (SC) |
Armenia (AM) | Eritrea (ER) | Mongolia (MN) | Sierra Leone (SL) |
Aruba (AW) | Ethiopia (ET) | Montenegro (ME) | Singapore (SG) |
Azerbaijan Republic (AZ) | Falkland Islands (FK) | Montserrat (MS) | Solomon Islands (SB) |
Bahamas (BS) | Faroe Islands (FO) | Morocco (MA) | Somalia (SO) |
Bahrain (BH) | Federated States of Micronesia (FM) | Mozambique (MZ) | South Africa (ZA) |
Bangladesh (BD) | Fiji (FJ) | Namibia (NA) | Sri Lanka (LK) |
Barbados (BB) | French Polynesia (PF) | Nauru (NR) | Suriname (SR) |
Belarus (BY) | Gabon (GA) | Nepal (NP) | Svalbard & Jan Mayen (SJ) |
Belize (BZ) | Gambia (GM) | Netherlands Antilles (AN) | Swaziland (SZ) |
Benin (BJ) | Georgia (GE) | New Caledonia (NC) | Tajikistan (TJ) |
Bermuda (BM) | Greenland (GL) | New Zealand (NZ) | Tanzania (TZ) |
Bhutan (BT) | Grenada (GD) | Nicaragua (NI) | Togo (TG) |
Bolivia (BO) | Guatemala (GT) | Niger (NE) | Tonga (TO) |
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BA) | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | Nigeria (NG) | Trinidad & Tobago (TT) |
Botswana (BW) | Guyana (GY) | Niue (NU) | Tunisia (TN) |
British Virgin Islands (VG) | Honduras (HN) | Norfolk Island (NF) | Turkmenistan (TM) |
Brunei (BN) | Iceland (IS) | Oman (OM) | Turks & Caicos Islands (TC) |
Burkina Faso (BF) | Indonesia (ID) | Palau (PW) | Tuvalu (TV) |
Burundi (BI) | Jamaica (JM) | Panama (PA) | Uganda (UG) |
Cambodia (KH) | Jordan (JO) | Papua New Guinea (PG) | Ukraine (UA) |
Cameroon (CM) | Kazakhstan (KZ) | Paraguay (PY) | United Arab Emirates (AE) |
Cape Verde (CV) | Kenya (KE) | Peru (PE) | Uruguay (UY) |
Cayman Islands (KY) | Kiribati (KI) | Philippines (PH) | Vanuatu (VU) |
Chad (TD) | Kuwait (KW) | Pitcairn Islands (PN) | Venezuela (VE) |
Chile (CL) | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | Qatar (QA) | Wallis & Futuna Islands (WF) |
Columbia (CO) | Laos (LA) | Republic of the Congo (CG) | Yemen (YE) |
Comoros (KM) | Lesotho (LS) | Rwanda (RW) | Zambia (ZM) |
Cook Islands (CK) | Macedonia (MK) | Saint Helena (SH) | Zimbabwe (ZW) |
Costa Rica (CR) | Madagascar (MG) | Saint Kitts & Nevis (KN) | |
Cote d’Ivoire (CI) | Malawi (MW) | Saint Lucia (LC) | |
Croatia (HR) | Malaysia (MY) | Saint Pierre & Miquelon (PM) |
It’s free to use PayPal to pay for a purchase or any other type of commercial transaction unless it involves a currency conversion.
Rate |
No Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) |
When you buy or sell goods or services, make any other commercial type of transaction, send or receive a charity donation or receive a payment when you “request money” using PayPal, we call that a “commercial transaction”.
For the listings of selling rates, please visit our PayPal Merchant Fees Page.
When you send funds (initiated from the “Friends and Family” tab of the “Send” flow) to, or receive funds into your PayPal account from, friends and family without making an underlying commercial transaction (that is, the payment is not for the purchase of goods or services or for making any other commercial transaction), we call that a “personal transaction”.
Personal transactions are limited in availability and may not be available in some markets. If you use your credit card as the payment method for a personal transaction, you may be charged a cash-advance fee by your credit card company.
The rates relating to personal transactions are set out below.
Payment Method | Sender Market/Region | Rate |
PayPal Balance or Bank account | AD, HR, IS, & MC | No Fee (if funded in EEA in EUR/SEK) |
Where available | No Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) | |
Cards | AD, HR, IS, & MC | No Fee (if funded in EEA in EUR/SEK) |
Where available | 3.4% + fixed fee |
Personal payments: If you use another payment method to partially fund the payment, the fee will be pro-rated.
Payment Method | Sender Market/Region | Recipient Market/Region | Rate |
PayPal Balance or Bank account | AD, HR, IS, & MC | Canada, Europe I, Europe II, Northern Europe, & US | 1.99 EUR |
Any other market | 3.99 EUR | ||
AL, BA, MK, MD, ME, & UA | Canada, Europe I, Europe II, Northern Europe, & US | 1.99 EUR | |
Any other market | 3.99 EUR | ||
NZ | Any market | 6.99 NZD | |
Any other market where available | Any market | 4.99 USD | |
Cards | AD, HR, IS, & MC | Canada, Europe I, Europe II, Northern Europe, & US | 1.99 EUR |
Any other market | 3.99 EUR | ||
AL, BA, MK, MD, ME, & UA | Canada, Europe I, Europe II, Northern Europe, & US | 1.99 EUR + 3.4% + fixed fee | |
Any other market | 3.99 EUR + 3.4% + fixed fee | ||
NZ | Any market | 6.99 NZD + 3.4% + fixed fee | |
Any other market/region where available | Any market | 4.99 USD + 3.4% + fixed fee |
Personal payments: We will collect the fee from balance in the currency in which the fee is payable. To do this, we may need to convert the fee amount from your sending balance into the currency in which the fee is payable, in which case the fees for “Currency Conversions” also apply. If you use another payment method to partially fund the payment, the fee will be pro-rated.
Currency | Fee |
Australian dollar | 0.30 AUD |
Brazilian real | 0.60 BRL |
Canadian dollar | 0.30 CAD |
Czech koruna | 10.00 CZK |
Danish krone | 2.60 DKK |
Euro | 0.35 EUR |
Hong Kong dollar | 2.35 HKD |
Hungarian forint | 90.00 HUF |
Israeli new shekel | 1.20 ILS |
Japanese yen | 40.00 JPY |
Malaysian ringgit | 2.00 MYR |
Mexican peso | 4.00 MXN |
Currency | Fee |
New Taiwan dollar | 10.00 TWD |
New Zealand dollar | 0.45 NZD |
Norwegian krone | 2.80 NOK |
Philippine peso | 15.00 PHP |
Polish zloty | 1.35 PLN |
Russian ruble | 10.00 RUB |
Singapore dollar | 0.50 SGD |
Swedish krona | 3.25 SEK |
Swiss franc | 0.55 CHF |
Thai baht | 11.00 THB |
UK pounds sterling | 0.20 GBP |
US dollar | 0.30 USD |
Rate |
No Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) |
For information about how we convert currency, please see the user agreement.
The transaction exchange rate used for your currency conversion includes a fee which we charge above the base exchange rate. The fee depends on the type of currency conversion, as follows:
For any currency conversions that occur when making personal payments or commercial transactions and receiving a refund beyond 1 day of the date of the original payment.
Market/Region | Rate |
AMERICAS: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands | 4.5% |
ASIA PACIFIC: Bhutan, Cambodia, Federated States of Micronesia, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tonga | 4.0% |
MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Rep of the Congo, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, St. Helena, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe | 4.0% |
SOUTH EAST EUROPE: Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine | 4.0% |
For any currency conversions that occur when making commercial transactions and receiving a refund beyond 1 day of the date of the original payment.
Currency | Rate above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate) | Currency | Rate above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate) |
Australian dollar (AUD) | 4.00% | New Taiwan dollar (TWD) | 4.00% |
Brazilian real (BRL) | 4.00% | New Zealand dollar (NZD) | 4.00% |
Canadian dollar (CAD) | 3.50% | Norwegian krone (NOK) | 4.00% |
Czech koruna (CZK) | 4.00% | Philippine peso (PHP) | 4.00% |
Danish krone (DKK) | 4.00% | Polish zloty (PLN) | 4.00% |
Euro (EUR) | 4.00% | Russian ruble (RUB) | 4.00% |
Hong Kong dollar (HKD) | 4.00% | Singapore dollar (SGD) | 4.00% |
Hungarian forint (HUF) | 4.00% | Swedish krona (SEK) | 4.00% |
Israeli new shekel (ILS) | 4.00% | Swiss franc (CHF) | 4.00% |
Japanese yen (JPY) | 4.00% | Thai baht (THB) | 4.00% |
Malaysian ringgit (MYR) | 4.00% | UK pounds sterling (GBP) | 4.00% |
Mexican peso (MXN) | 4.00% | US dollar (USD) | 3.50% |
For any currency conversions that occur when making personal payments or commercial transactions and receiving a refund beyond 1 day of the date of the original payment.
Currency | Rate above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate) | Currency | Rate above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate) |
Australian dollar (AUD) | 4.00% | New Taiwan dollar (TWD) | 4.00% |
Brazilian real (BRL) | 4.00% | New Zealand dollar (NZD) | 4.00% |
Canadian dollar (CAD) | 3.50% | Norwegian krone (NOK) | 4.00% |
Czech koruna (CZK) | 4.00% | Philippine peso (PHP) | 4.00% |
Danish krone (DKK) | 4.00% | Polish zloty (PLN) | 4.00% |
Euro (EUR) | 4.00% | Russian ruble (RUB) | 4.00% |
Hong Kong dollar (HKD) | 4.00% | Singapore dollar (SGD) | 4.00% |
Hungarian forint (HUF) | 4.00% | Swedish krona (SEK) | 4.00% |
Israeli new shekel (ILS) | 4.00% | Swiss franc (CHF) | 4.00% |
Japanese yen (JPY) | 4.00% | Thai baht (THB) | 4.00% |
Malaysian ringgit (MYR) | 4.00% | UK pounds sterling (GBP) | 4.00% |
Mexican peso (MXN) | 4.00% | US dollar (USD) | 3.50% |
For any currency conversions that occur when receiving other payments (including PayPal Payouts), adding funds to your PayPal account, transferring funds to your bank/card account, and when transferring funds between your PayPal balances if held in different currencies.
Market/Region | Rate |
AMERICAS: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands | 3.5% |
ASIA PACIFIC: Bhutan, Cambodia, Federated States of Micronesia, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tonga | 3.0% |
MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Rep of the Congo, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, St. Helena, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe | 3.0% |
Malaysia | 2.5% |
SOUTH EAST EUROPE: Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine | 3.0% |
Rates for all other currency conversions:
You can typically withdraw money out of PayPal by standard withdrawals/transfers to your linked bank account or eligible cards. Withdrawal to a bank account or a card may not be possible in all markets/regions. A currency conversion (and currency conversion fees) may also apply.
Note: For additional listings of transfer rates out of business accounts, please visit our PayPal Merchant Fees Page.
* Additional fees may be charged by your bank resulting in less than full amount being credited to your bank account. PayPal will bear no responsibility for any fees or costs (including lifting fees) imposed by the beneficiary bank where you have your bank account into which you request the withdrawal, or its intermediary/correspondent bank.
Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.
Based on card withdrawal currency:
Currency | Minimum Fee | Maximum Fee |
Afghan Afghani | 25.00 AFN | 1,050.00 AFN |
Armenian dram | 135.00 AMD | 5250.00 AMD |
Australian dollar | 0.25 AUD | 10.00 AUD |
Azerbaijan manat | 0.45 AZN | 17.50 AZN |
Bahraini dinar | 0.10 BHD | 4.00 BHD |
Bangladeshi Taka | 22.00 BDT | 880.00 BDT |
Belizean dollar | 0.50 BZD | 20.00 BZD |
Bulgarian lev | 0.50 BGN | 20.00 BGN |
Canadian dollar | 0.25 CAD | 10.00 CAD |
CFA france | 135.00 XOF | 5400.00 XOF |
Czech koruna | 5.70 CZK | 230.00 CZK |
Danish krone | 1.80 DKK | 70.00 DKK |
Eritrean Nakfa | 3.75 ERN | 150.00 ERN |
Euro | 0.25 EUR | 10.00 EUR |
Ghanaian Cedi | 1.55 GHS | 62.50 GHS |
Haitian Gourde | 25.00 HTG | 1,000.00 HTG |
Hong Kong dollar | 2.00 HKD | 80.00 HKD |
Hungarian forint | 70.00 HUF | 2900.00 HUF |
Iraqi Dinar | 365.00 IQD | 14,500.00 IQD |
Israeli new shekel | 1.00 ILS | 40.00 ILS |
Japanese yen | 30.00 JPY | 1100.00 JPY |
Jordanian dinar | 0.20 JOD | 7.25 JOD |
Kuwaiti dinar | 1 KWD | No Max |
Kyrgyzstani som | 22.50 KGS | 850.00 KGS |
Lebanese Pound | 380.00 LBP | 15,250.00 LBP |
Lesotho Loti | 4.00 LSL | 160.00 LSL |
Liberian Dollar | 37.50 LRD | 1,500.00 LRD |
Macanese Pataca | 2.00 MOP | 80.00 MOP |
Malaysian ringgit | 1.00 MYR | 40.00 MYR |
Mauritanian Ouguiya | 9 MRU | 360.00 MRU |
Mexican peso | 5.00 MXN | 200.00 MXN |
Mozambican metical | 20.00 MZN | 750.00 MZN |
Myanmar Kyat | 450.00 MMK | 18,000.00 MMK |
New Zealand dollar | 0.40 NZD | 15.00 NZD |
Norwegian krone | 1.00 NOK | 40.00 NOK |
Omani rial | 0.10 OMR | 4.00 OMR |
Pakistani Rupee | 45.00 PKR | 1,800.00 PKR |
Philippine peso | 10.00 PHP | 500.00 PHP |
Polish zloty | 1.00 PLN | 40.00 PLN |
Qatari rial | 1.00 QAR | 40.00 QAR |
Romania new lei | 1.00 RON | 40.00 RON |
Russian ruble | 20.00 RUB | 700.00 RUB |
Rwandan franc | 250.00 RWF | 10,000.00 RWF |
Salvadoran Colón | 2.25 SVC | 90.00 SVC |
São Tomé And Príncipe Dobra | 5.50 STN | 220.00 STN |
Serbian dinar | 25.00 RSD | 1000.00 RSD |
Singapore dollar | 0.50 SGD | 15.00 SGD |
South African rand | 3.60 ZAR | 145.00 ZAR |
Sri Lanka rupee | 50.00 LKR | 1800.00 LKR |
Swedish krona | 2.50 SEK | 100.00 SEK |
Swiss franc | 0.25 CHF | 10.00 CHF |
Thai baht | 8.00 THB | 320.00 THB |
Tunisian dinar | 0.75 TND | 27.50 TND |
Turkish lira | 3.50 TRY | 140.00 TRY |
Turkmenistani Manat | 1.00 TMT | 40.00 TMT |
Ugandan shilling | 930.00 UGX | 37,500.00 UGX |
United Arab Emirates dirham | 0.90 AED | 36.70 AED |
UK pounds sterling | 0.20 GBP | 8.00 GBP |
US dollar | 0.25 USD | 10.00 USD |
Uzbekistani Som | 3,000.00 UZS | 120,000.00 UZS |
Venezuelan bolivar | 2,000,000.00 VES | 60,000,000.00 VES |
Zambian kwacha | 5.50 ZMW | 215.00 ZMW |
ALL Other Currencies | No Min | No Max |
Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.
Based on withdrawal currency:
Currency | Fee |
Afghan Afghani | 525.00 AFN |
Albania lek | 552.00 ALL |
Algerian dinar | 600.00 DZD |
Angola kwanza | 2466.00 AOA |
Argentine peso | 15.00 ARS |
Armenian dram | 2625.00 AMD |
Aruban florin | 9.00 AWG |
Australian dollar | 7.00 AUD |
Azerbaijan manat | 8.50 AZN |
Bahamian dollar | 5.00 BSD |
Bahraini dinar | 2.00 BHD |
Balboa | 5.00 PAB |
Bangladeshi Taka | 440.00 BDT |
Barbados dollar | 10.00 BBD |
Belizean dollar | 10.00 BZD |
Bermudian dollar | 5.00 BMD |
Bhutan ngultrum | 355.00 BTN |
Boliviano | 35.00 BOB |
Botswana pula | 54.00 BWP |
Brazilian real | 10.00 BRL |
Brunei dollar | 7.00 BND |
Bulgarian lev | 7.00 BGN |
Burundi franc | 9449.00 BIF |
Cabo Verde escudo | 497.00 CVE |
Canadian dollar | 6.00 CAD |
Cayman Island dollar | 4.00 KYD |
CFA franc BEAC | 2956.00 XAF |
CFA france | 2700.00 XOF |
Chilean peso | 2400.00 CLP |
Comoro franc | 2218.00 KMF |
Cordoba oro | 171.00 NIO |
Columbian peso | 16658.00 COP |
Congolese franc | 8452.00 CDF |
Convertible mark | 9.00 BAM |
Costa Rican colon | 2816.00 CRC |
Cypriot pound | 2.40 CYP |
Czech koruna | 110.00 CZK |
Currency | Fee |
Dalasi | 256.00 GMD |
Danish krone | 30.00 DKK |
Denar | 278.00 MKD |
Djibouti franc | 889.00 DJF |
Dominican peso | 267.00 DOP |
Dong | 115874.00 VND |
East Caribbean dollar | 14.00 XCD |
Egyptian pound | 79.00 EGP |
Eritrean Nakfa | 75 ERN |
Estonian kroon | 60.00 EEK |
Ethiopian birr | 160.00 ETB |
Euro | 4.00 EUR |
Falkland Islands pound | 4.00 FKP |
Fiji dollar | 11.00 FJD |
Ghanaian Cedi | 31.25 GHS |
Gibraltar pound | 4.00 GIP |
Guarani | 32625.00 PYG |
Guinea franc | 47695.00 GNF |
Guyana dollar | 1043.00 GYD |
Haitian Gourde | 500.00 HTG |
Hong Kong dollar | 40.00 HKD |
Hryvnia | 122.00 UAH |
Hungarian forint | 1000.00 HUF |
Iceland krona | 340.00 ISK |
Indian rupee | 200.00 INR |
Iraqi Dinar | 7250.00 IQD |
Israeli new shekel | 22.00 ILS |
Japanese yen | 610.00 JPY |
Jamaican dollar | 670.00 JMD |
Jordanian dinar | 3.60 JOD |
Kenyan shilling | 504.00 KES |
Kina | 17.00 PGK |
Kip | 44392.00 LAK |
Kuwaiti dinar | 5.00 KWD |
Kwacha | 3684.00 MWK |
Kyrgyzstani som | 425.00 KGS |
Currency | Fee |
Lari | 14.00 GEL |
Latvian lat | 3.00 LVL |
Lebanese Pound | 7600.00 LBP |
Leone | 49324.00 SLL |
Lempira | 123.00 HNL |
Lesotho Loti | 80.00 LSL |
Liberian Dollar | 750.00 LRD |
Lilangeni | 72.00 SZL |
Lithuanian litas | 14.00 LTL |
Macanese Pataca | 40.00 MOP |
Malaysian ringgit | 20.00 MYR |
Malagasy Ariary | 18259.00 MGA |
Maltese lira | 1.80 MTL |
Mauritanian ouguiya | 180.00 MRU |
Mauritius rupee | 183.00 MUR |
Mexican peso | 60.00 MXN |
Moldovan leu | 88.00 MDL |
Moroccan dirham | 48.00 MAD |
Mozambican metical | 375.00 MZN |
Myanmar Kyat | 9000.00 MMK |
Naira | 1812.00 NGN |
Namibia dollar | 72.00 NAD |
Nepalese rupee | 571.00 NPR |
Netherlands Antillean guilder | 8.00 ANG |
New Taiwan dollar | 175.00 TWD |
New Zealand dollar | 8.00 NZD |
Norwegian krone | 32.00 NOK |
Nuevo Sol | 17.00 PEN |
Omani rial | 2.00 OMR |
Pa’anga | 11.00 TOP |
Pakistani Rupee | 900.00 PKR |
Philippine peso | 250.00 PHP |
Polish zloty | 16.00 PLN |
Qatari rial | 18.00 QAR |
Quetzal | 38.00 GTQ |
Rand | 40.00 ZAR |
Riel | 20600.00 KHR |
Romanian leu | 12.00 RON |
Rufiyaa | 77.00 MVR |
Currency | Fee |
Rupiah | 46000.00 IDR |
Russian ruble | 150.00 RUB |
Rwandan franc | 5000.00 RWF |
Saint Helena pound | 4.00 SHP |
Salvadoran Colón | 45.00 SVC |
São Tomé And Príncipe Dobra | 110.00 STN |
Saudi riyal | 19.00 SAR |
Serbian dinar | 530.00 RSD |
Seychelles rupee | 68.00 SCR |
Singapore dollar | 8.00 SGD |
Slovak koruna | 140.00 SKK |
Solomon Islands dollar | 41.00 SBD |
Somali shilling | 2898.00 SOS |
Somoni | 52.00 TJS |
Sri Lanka rupee | 907.00 LKR |
Surinam dollar | 37.00 SRD |
Swedish krona | 35.00 SEK |
Swiss franc | 6.50 CHF |
Tala | 13.00 WST |
Tanzanian shilling | 11520.00 TZS |
Tenge | 1887.00 KZT |
Thai baht | 200.00 THB |
Trinidad and Tobago dollar | 34.00 TTD |
Tugrik | 13735.00 MNT |
Tunisian dinar | 13.00 TND |
Turkish lira | 70.00 TRY |
Turkmenistani Manat | 20.00 TMT |
Uganda shilling | 18388.00 UGX |
UAE dirham | 20.00 AED |
UK pounds sterling | 3.00 GBP |
US dollar | 5.00 USD |
Uzbekistani Som | 60,000.00 UZS |
Uruguay peso | 100.00 UYI/UYU |
Vatu | 582.00 VUV |
Venezuelan bolivar | 30,000,000.00 VES |
Won | 5830.00 KRW |
Yemeni rial | 1252.00 YER |
Yuan renminbi | 35.00 CNY |
Zambian kwacha | 107.50 ZMW |
Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.
Based on withdrawal currency:
Currency | Fee |
Afghan Afghani | 525.00 AFN |
Albania lek | 552.00 ALL |
Algerian dinar | 600.00 DZD |
Angola kwanza | 2466.00 AOA |
Argentine peso | 15.00 ARS |
Armenian dram | 2625.00 AMD |
Aruban florin | 9.00 AWG |
Australian dollar | 7.00 AUD |
Azerbaijan manat | 8.50 AZN |
Bahamian dollar | 5.00 BSD |
Bahraini dinar | 2.00 BHD |
Balboa | 5.00 PAB |
Bangladeshi Taka | 440.00 BDT |
Barbados dollar | 10.00 BBD |
Belizean dollar | 10.00 BZD |
Bermudian dollar | 5.00 BMD |
Bhutan ngultrum | 355.00 BTN |
Boliviano | 35.00 BOB |
Botswana pula | 54.00 BWP |
Brazilian real | 10.00 BRL |
Brunei dollar | 7.00 BND |
Bulgarian lev | 7.00 BGN |
Burundi franc | 9449.00 BIF |
Cabo Verde escudo | 497.00 CVE |
Canadian dollar | 6.00 CAD |
Cayman Island dollar | 4.00 KYD |
CFA franc BEAC | 2956.00 XAF |
CFA france | 2700.00 XOF |
Chilean peso | 2400.00 CLP |
Comoro franc | 2218.00 KMF |
Cordoba oro | 171.00 NIO |
Columbian peso | 16658.00 COP |
Congolese franc | 8452.00 CDF |
Convertible mark | 9.00 BAM |
Costa Rican colon | 2816.00 CRC |
Cypriot pound | 2.40 CYP |
Czech koruna | 110.00 CZK |
Currency | Fee |
Dalasi | 256.00 GMD |
Danish krone | 30.00 DKK |
Denar | 278.00 MKD |
Djibouti franc | 889.00 DJF |
Dominican peso | 267.00 DOP |
Dong | 115874.00 VND |
East Caribbean dollar | 14.00 XCD |
Egyptian pound | 79.00 EGP |
Eritrean Nakfa | 75 ERN |
Estonian kroon | 60.00 EEK |
Ethiopian birr | 160.00 ETB |
Euro | 4.00 EUR |
Falkland Islands pound | 4.00 FKP |
Fiji dollar | 11.00 FJD |
Ghanaian Cedi | 31.25 GHS |
Gibraltar pound | 4.00 GIP |
Guarani | 32625.00 PYG |
Guinea franc | 47695.00 GNF |
Guyana dollar | 1043.00 GYD |
Haitian Gourde | 500.00 HTG |
Hong Kong dollar | 40.00 HKD |
Hryvnia | 122.00 UAH |
Hungarian forint | 1000.00 HUF |
Iceland krona | 340.00 ISK |
Indian rupee | 200.00 INR |
Iraqi Dinar | 7250.00 IQD |
Israeli new shekel | 22.00 ILS |
Japanese yen | 610.00 JPY |
Jamaican dollar | 670.00 JMD |
Jordanian dinar | 3.60 JOD |
Kenyan shilling | 504.00 KES |
Kina | 17.00 PGK |
Kip | 44392.00 LAK |
Kuwaiti dinar | 5.00 KWD |
Kwacha | 3684.00 MWK |
Kyrgyzstani som | 425.00 KGS |
Currency | Fee |
Lari | 14.00 GEL |
Latvian lat | 3.00 LVL |
Lebanese Pound | 7600.00 LBP |
Leone | 49324.00 SLL |
Lempira | 123.00 HNL |
Lesotho Loti | 80.00 LSL |
Liberian Dollar | 750.00 LRD |
Lilangeni | 72.00 SZL |
Lithuanian litas | 14.00 LTL |
Macanese Pataca | 40.00 MOP |
Malaysian ringgit | 3.00 MYR |
Malagasy Ariary | 18259.00 MGA |
Maltese lira | 1.80 MTL |
Mauritanian ouguiya | 180.00 MRU |
Mauritius rupee | 183.00 MUR |
Mexican peso | 60.00 MXN |
Moldovan leu | 88.00 MDL |
Moroccan dirham | 48.00 MAD |
Mozambican metical | 375.00 MZN |
Myanmar Kyat | 9000.00 MMK |
Naira | 1812.00 NGN |
Namibia dollar | 72.00 NAD |
Nepalese rupee | 571.00 NPR |
Netherlands Antillean guilder | 8.00 ANG |
New Taiwan dollar | 175.00 TWD |
New Zealand dollar | 8.00 NZD |
Norwegian krone | 32.00 NOK |
Nuevo Sol | 17.00 PEN |
Omani rial | 2.00 OMR |
Pa’anga | 11.00 TOP |
Pakistani Rupee | 900.00 PKR |
Philippine peso | 250.00 PHP |
Polish zloty | 16.00 PLN |
Qatari rial | 18.00 QAR |
Quetzal | 38.00 GTQ |
Rand | 40.00 ZAR |
Riel | 20600.00 KHR |
Romanian leu | 12.00 RON |
Rufiyaa | 77.00 MVR |
Currency | Fee |
Rupiah | 46000.00 IDR |
Russian ruble | 150.00 RUB |
Rwandan franc | 5000.00 RWF |
Saint Helena pound | 4.00 SHP |
Salvadoran Colón | 45.00 SVC |
São Tomé And Príncipe Dobra | 110.00 STN |
Saudi riyal | 19.00 SAR |
Serbian dinar | 530.00 RSD |
Seychelles rupee | 68.00 SCR |
Singapore dollar | 8.00 SGD |
Slovak koruna | 140.00 SKK |
Solomon Islands dollar | 41.00 SBD |
Somali shilling | 2898.00 SOS |
Somoni | 52.00 TJS |
Sri Lanka rupee | 907.00 LKR |
Surinam dollar | 37.00 SRD |
Swedish krona | 35.00 SEK |
Swiss franc | 6.50 CHF |
Tala | 13.00 WST |
Tanzanian shilling | 11520.00 TZS |
Tenge | 1887.00 KZT |
Thai baht | 200.00 THB |
Trinidad and Tobago dollar | 34.00 TTD |
Tugrik | 13735.00 MNT |
Tunisian dinar | 13.00 TND |
Turkmenistani Manat | 20.00 TMT |
Turkish lira | 70.00 TRY |
Uganda shilling | 18388.00 UGX |
UAE dirham | 20.00 AED |
UK pounds sterling | 3.00 GBP |
US dollar | 5.00 USD |
Uzbekistani Som | 60,000.00 UZS |
Uruguay peso | 100.00 UYI/UYU |
Vatu | 582.00 VUV |
Venezuelan bolivar | 30,000,000.00 VES |
Won | 5830.00 KRW |
Yemeni rial | 1252.00 YER |
Yuan renminbi | 35.00 CNY |
Zambian kwacha | 107.50 ZMW |
Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.
Included below are fees associated with events, requests, or actions that may happen when you use your account.
Activity | Description | Rate |
Bank Return on Withdrawal/Transfer out of PayPal | This fee is charged when a withdrawal/transfer out of PayPal is attempted by a user and it fails because incorrect bank account information or delivery information is provided. | See Bank Return on Transfer out of PayPal Table below. |
Credit Card and Debit Card Confirmation(s) | Some users, in order to increase their sending limit or as PayPal may determine, may be charged a credit card and debit card link and confirmation fee. This amount will be refunded when you successfully complete the credit card or debit card verification process. | See Credit Card and Debit Card Link and Confirmation Table below. |
Records Request | This fee will apply for requests of information relating to why we had reasonable justification to refuse your payment order. We will not charge you for records requested in connection with your good-faith assertion of an error in your PayPal account. | 10.00 SGD or other currency equivalent (per item) |
Market/Region | Rate |
HR & IS | 3.00 EUR |
ID | 50,000.00 IDR |
PH | 250.00 PHP |
MY | 15.00 MYR |
Currency | Rate |
Australian dollar | 2.00 AUD |
Brazilian real | 4.00 BRL |
Canadian dollar | 2.45 CAD |
Czech koruna | 50.00 CZK |
Danish krone | 12.50 DKK |
Euro | 1.50 EUR |
Hong Kong dollar | 15.00 HKD |
Hungarian forint | 400.00 HUF |
Israeli new shekel | 8.00 ILS |
Japanese yen | 200.00 JPY |
Malaysian ringgit | 10.00 MYR |
Mexican peso | 20.00 MXN |
Currency | Rate |
New Taiwan dollar | 70.00 TWD |
New Zealand dollar | 3.00 NZD |
Norwegian krone | 15.00 NOK |
Philippine peso | 100.00 PHP |
Polish zloty | 6.50 PLN |
Russian ruble | 60.00 RUB |
Singapore dollar | 3.00 SGD |
Swedish krona | 15.00 SEK |
Swiss franc | 3.00 CHF |
Thai baht | 70.00 THB |
UK pounds sterling | 1.00 GBP |
US dollar | 1.95 USD |